SOKRATHERM rises further among the top ten of CHP unit manufacturers

In November 2024 the „Energie & Management“ professional paper has published the „BHKW-Ranking“ of the CHP unit manufacturers active on the German market for the year 2023. It has been researched together with the renowned Öko-Institut and comprises CHP units of all power classes from the one kW Micro-CHP unit up to Multi-Megawatt CHP units. This year, for the first time, the data presented by the manufacturers were cross-checked with the data published in the federal German Marktstammdatenregister, the register of energy producing units in Germany. Among the roughly twenty companies we are one of the few which have been present in every BHKW-Ranking since its first publication in 2001.

Im Jahr 2023 konnten wir BHKW-Module mit insgesamt knapp 14 MW(el) Leistung absetzen und sowohl bei biogenen BHKW, als auch in der Gesamtwertung unseren Platz unter den Top Ten halten bzw. verbessern. Bei den im Ranking als fossil* bezeichneten BHKW-Modulen verbesserten wir uns deutlich auf den fünften Platz, den wir auch in der Prognose für das Jahr 2024 belegen. Bei Betrachtung des von uns angebotenen Leistungsbereiches 50 kW bis 1 MW zählen wir ohnehin mit einem Marktanteil von rund 20 % in mehreren Leistungsklassen sowohl hinsichtlich verkaufter BHKW-Leistung als auch bezüglich Stückzahl zur Spitzengruppe.

We could in total sell nearly 14 MW(el) of the CHP units and reached resp. improved our position among the top ten in biogenic* CHP units and the overall market. Within the CHP units called fossile* we improved our ranking substantially to position five, which we also occupy in the prognosis for the year 2024. Within our power range of 50 kW to 1 MW we have a market share of roughly 20 % in several power classes and a top position regarding number of CHP units as well as CHP unit power sold.

We thank all our customers and partners who made this success possible!

* In the Ranking the market is split in „biogenic“ CHP units (connected to a biogas or sewage plant) and „fossil“ CHP units (connected to the gas grid). In this context we regard the expression „fossil“ as outdated because the German gas grid is fed increasingly with the renewable gases Biomethane (which powers e.g. our district heating CHP unit in Apen), „green“ hydrogen and SNC  which will replace the (fossil) natural gas in the medium term.

The company

Powered by tradition

For over 45 years we find our drive in climate protection and continuously improve the energy efficiency and performance of our products.


Compact CHP units

Our cogeneration units over 50 kW

With their ability to provide and regulate power within seconds CHP units units are the perfect partner of fluctuating renewable energy sources.


Kachel SOKRATHERM Referenzen


Reference examples

Whether in hotels, factories, hospitals, industrial sites or water purification plants - our compact CHP units prove efficient and reliable operation in all kinds of objects.


Locations and partners

We're there for you

Contact data to international sales locations and company sites in Germany.
