CHP units 50-1000 kW

Cogeneration units from SOKRATHERM – performance from worldwide over 300 MW

As pioneer and specialist in cogeneration we deliver ready-to-connect compact CHP units in the power range 50 to 1000 kW which can be customized individually. SOKRATHERM offers tailored solutions for most diverse buildings like swimming pools, office buildings, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, prisons, industrial and commercial sites to district heating and residential areas. Our CHP units can also be equipped for emergency power operation, to produce steam, to heat up thermal oil or to power an absorption chiller for building climatisation. Their compact construction keeps the ways for engine power and combustion heat short to convert them most effectively into electricity and heat. The space required in the building is minimized as well as the expenditures to insert and connect the CHP unit.

After the ISO 9001 certified production of our CHP units individually tailored to the customer requirements follows a thorough check on the test bench and a first servicing. We deliver the CHP units ready to operate in a sound absorbing case with integrated switchgear cabinet so they can be commissioned very quickly. Their triple bearing makes sure that no vibrations are transmitted to the building. A separate baseplate therefore is not necessary in most cases.

Every compact CHP unit is delivered with the SOKRATHERM developed iPC control which is based on an industrial PC and not only surveils the fully automatic operation but also automatically adjusts to the current energy demand. Our self-developed systems can control several CHP units, boilers and heat storages for optimized operation. Our internet based remote monitoring RemoteManager makes the remote control of the whole CHP plant from a desktop workplace, via notebook or even by smartphone possible. A variety of interfaces secures the compatibility with other systems – from a building control system right up to the integration into virtual power plants.

The delivery charts natural gas, propane gas and sewage gas/biogas powered CHP units (one page each) as well as our brochures can be downloaded here.


Compact CHP units of the

50 kW class

The CHP unit type GG 50 VR is the smallest ready-to-connect CHP unit of the 50 kW class. With icondensing heat exchanger it reaches up to 104 % total efficiency.


Compact CHP units of the

100 kW class

The most popular CHP type of this power class GG 140 was e,g, installed in the CHP units of the year 2009 and 2014, in the Berlin botanic garden and at Rapunzel organic food in Legau.


Compact CHP units of the

200 kW class

Be it steam generation at the Früh Kölsch brewery, propane gas operation in Chile or energy supply for Berlin's BSR: Our CHP units of the 200 kW class are versatile and reliable.


Compact CHP units of the

400 kW class

The "flagship" of this power class is the GG 430 CHP unit with 39.9 % electrical and over 90 % total efficiency - and supplemented by further CHP types of the GG and FG series.


Compact CHP unit of the

500 kW class

Also our most powerful compact CHP units with over 40 % electric efficiency can be commissioned within days due to their elaborate ready-to-connect construction.


Compact CHP units of the

700 kW class

Now also available in the 700 kW class! Our newest compac CHP unit for a time-, cost- and space saving installation with an outstanding 42.5 % electrical efficiency.


Compact CHP units

Core advantages of our compact CHP units

Based on 40 years of experience our compact CHP units feature excellent characteristics and quality.


Compact CHP units

Configuration options

Various configuration options enable the CHP unit to generate additional value, e.g. emergency power generation during blackouts.


Compact CHP units

Control System

Our hard- and software packages can control CHP plants with boiler and heat storages - also via desktop, notebook or smartphone.


Kachel SOKRATHERM Referenzen


Reference examples

Whether in hotels, factories, hospitals, industrial sites or water purification plants - our compact CHP units prove efficient and reliable operation in all kinds of objects.



Brochures and planning documents

The download area provides our delivery charts, borchures and other planning documents.


Locations and partners

We're there for you

Contact data to international sales locations and company sites in Germany.
