Delivery chart natural gas powered CHP units (36.15 kb) (1 page)
Delivery chart propane gas powered CHP units (36.15 kb) (1 page)
Delivery chart sewage gas / biogas powered CHP units (36.15 kb) (1 page)
Prospect Compact CHP units 50 – 1000 kW (2.61 MB) (8 pages)
Prospect Cogeneration units and heat pumps (2 MB, 8 pages)
Brochure SOKRATHERM compact CHP units – modern power and heat technology (2.43 MB) (12 pages)
Company profile (53.62 kb) (2 pages)
Reference examples of SOKRATHERM cogeneration units (53.62 kb) (2 pages)
Inquiry form for a CHP unit quotation (44.1 kb) (1 page)
Principles of dimensioning CHP units up to 2 MWel (95.6 kb) (3 pages)
Detailed technical information from our planning documentation (drawings, technical descriptions, operating diagrams etc.) are in the password protected planner’s area. To planners and engineers working on cogeneration projects, we’ll gladly install an access. If interested, apply via E-Mail to sales|@| with the subject „Planner’s area“ for an access to the planner’s area. If you already have an access, you will find the planner’s area entry here.