
Delivery charts, brochures and company profile

Delivery chart natural gas powered CHP units (36.15 kb) (1 page)

Delivery chart propane gas powered CHP units (36.15 kb) (1 page)

Delivery chart sewage gas / biogas powered CHP units  (36.15 kb) (1 page)

Prospect Compact CHP units 50 – 1000 kW (2.61 MB) (8 pages)

Prospect Cogeneration units and heat pumps (2 MB, 8 pages)

Brochure SOKRATHERM compact CHP units – modern power and heat technology (2.43 MB) (12 pages)

Company profile (53.62 kb) (2 pages)

Reference examples of SOKRATHERM cogeneration units (53.62 kb) (2 pages)


Offer inquiry form and CHP dimensioning info

Inquiry form for a CHP unit quotation (44.1 kb) (1 page)

Principles of dimensioning CHP units up to 2 MWel (95.6 kb) (3 pages)


Planner’s area

Detailed technical information from our planning documentation (drawings, technical descriptions,  operating diagrams etc.) are in the password protected planner’s area. To planners and engineers working on cogeneration projects, we’ll gladly install an access. If interested, apply via E-Mail to sales|@| with the subject „Planner’s area“ for an access to the planner’s area. If you already have an access, you will find the planner’s area entry here.


Service and maintance for CHP units

Integral part of the SOKRATHERM product range are proven maintenance concepts continuously adapted to the technological progress.



CHP unit service

For each CHP project we offer individual service packages – from simple regular maintenance up to the ›carefree package‹ with operation optimization.



Customer care

Our aim is to achieve together with our customer the best profitability, lifetime, reliability and emissions reduction from the CHP projects.



Basics (FAQ)

Hier finden Sie Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen.


The company

Powered by tradition

For over 45 years we find our drive in climate protection and continuously improve the energy efficiency and performance of our products.


Compact CHP units

Our cogeneration units over 50 kW

With their ability to provide and regulate power within seconds CHP units units are the perfect partner of fluctuating renewable energy sources.


Kachel SOKRATHERM Referenzen


Reference examples

Whether in hotels, factories, hospitals, industrial sites or water purification plants - our compact CHP units prove efficient and reliable operation in all kinds of objects.


Locations and partners

We're there for you

Contact data to international sales locations and company sites in Germany.
