After its successful UK premiere in March our further developed compact CHP unit GG 50 was presented at the All-Energy 2017 fair in Glasgow by our partner Innasol.
This unit with 50 kW electric and up to 92 kW thermal power reaches, due to an integrated condensing heat exchanger, up to 97,2 % total efficiency. For easier and more cost-efficient installation it comes with an integrated heating water pump and 3-way valve for the return increase. With the dimensions (L x W x H) 2,20 x 0,90 x 1,80 m it is the smallest ready-to-connect CHP unit of the 50 kW class and makes the eco-friendly and highly efficient cogeneration possible also with very limited space available.
Our compact CHP units are serially equipped with a robust industrial PC which can be operated intuitively by touchpanel. They can be remote monitored comprehensively and integrated in virtual power plants. To balance the fluctuating power production from wind and solar energy they can be turned on and off very quickly and adapt their production to the current demand. Besides the classic thermal application for heating, our compact CHP units can be used -together with the corresponding installations- to cool buildings („trigeneration“), produce steam, heat up thermal oil or to provide emergency power for lighting, IT or sprinkler systems.